Our lay ministries are vital to the life and worship of St. Patrick's, providing opportunities for members to serve, lead, and enhance our communal worship experience. We welcome your participation in these meaningful and rewarding activities.
Serving at the altar, acolytes assist the clergy during worship services by carrying the cross, lighting candles, and helping with the Eucharist. This ministry is open to both youth and adults, providing a meaningful way to participate in the liturgy.
Our choir enhances worship through music, leading the congregation in hymns and providing special anthems during services. Open to all who love to sing, the choir is a wonderful way to contribute to the spiritual life of the church.
Altar Guild:
This dedicated group prepares the altar for worship services, caring for the linens, vestments, and sacred vessels. Their behind-the-scenes work ensures that our worship is beautiful and reverent.
The friendly faces that welcome you as you enter the church, greeters play a crucial role in creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. They assist with welcoming newcomers, distributing bulletins, and providing information about the church.
Flower Guild:
Responsible for arranging the beautiful flowers that adorn our sanctuary, the Flower Guild members use their creativity to enhance the worship environment. They arrange flowers for services, special events, and seasonal decorations.